I get an “Invalid Character Entry” error message when trying to register my account.
For security reasons, special characters are not allowed in the registration form. However, a user can still register their account by not including the special characters. Example 1: User’s last name is "Jones, Jr." -> User would type "Jones Jr" ...
How do I complete the EULA digital signature?
Prior to accessing Readiness, all users must read and digitally sign the End User License Agreement (EULA). Additionally, users must read and digitally sign the EULA if there are any updates to the agreement. To digitally sign the EULA, users must: ...
Can I change the preferred language I selected when registering for Readiness?
You can change your preferred language by selecting Account then My Information from the navigation bar on the left, then clicking on the "Manage your user profile" link.
Why is my Questionnaire/Action Steps not available in the preferred language I selected when registering my account?
Your provider selects the languages available for the Questionnaire/Action Steps you are completing. If your preferred language is not available for your Questionnaire/Action Steps, you will be prompted to select another language. You may see your ...
Can I change the country selection I made when selecting which Questionnaire I take?
Once you have confirmed your country selection and the respective questionnaire has loaded, you are unable to change the country selection. Questionnaires are country specific. If you have selected the wrong country, click on the Submit a Ticket tab ...
How do I access the tutorial videos I saw when I started my first Questionnaire and Action Steps?
The tutorial videos that showed up when you started your first Questionnaire and your first Action Steps can be accessed within Readiness by selecting the Video Tutorials link in the menu on the left of the page.
How do I prevent the URL or Page # from printing on the Results & Task List or Certificate?
Each browser has printer options in their menu which can be used to turn off the URL header and # of pages footer (see example below). Consult your specific browser’s help section for instructions on how to turn off headers and footers. Example - ...
I have a question about an order I placed in Readiness.
Questions regarding customer orders or purchases are handled directly by our Orders Support Team. Please direct your orders inquiry to the Orders Support Team by emailing orders@csrps.com. You may be asked information that can be located on your ...
Why can’t I start a new questionnaire?
Depending on your provider’s terms, you may only be able to take one questionnaire a year. If this is the case, you will need to complete the entire waiting period prior to starting another questionnaire. If your provider allows for multiple ...
I submitted a support ticket but have not received a reply from customer service.
In most cases, emails that have not been received were filtered into a SPAM or Junk folder. Check your Spam or Junk folder. To ensure our emails make it to your Inbox, please add support@csrprofessionalservices.zohosupport.com to your email's Safe ...
Why did I not receive a registration confirmation email?
In most cases, emails that were not received were actually filtered out to a SPAM or Junk folder. Check your SPAM or Junk folder for the email. Once you have located the email, add the sender to your Email Safe Senders List, Address Book, or Contact ...
How do I put the completion seal on my web page?
Once the self assessment has been taken and the recommended remediation tasks completed, an email will be sent to the email address associated with your account, which will include a snip-it of code to copy and paste the completion seal into your web ...
What is the completion seal?
The completion seal is a stamp that you can place on your web page, which alerts your customers, affiliates, potential clients, corporate insurers, etc., that your organization has performed a thorough annual self assessment related to how your ...
How long will it take to complete the self assessment questionnaire?
It is estimated that it will take one hour to complete the Readiness self-assessment questionnaire. A self-assessment may take longer should consultation or research be required to answer some of the questions. Progress within the self-assessment ...
I don't know the answer to a question. Can I just skip it?
You can skip questions and come back to them later. However, you may want to ensure all questions are answered prior to submitting your questionnaire, as not answering a question will affect your score as well as suggested remediation tasks and ...
I skipped some questions and want to go back to them. How do I do that?
To navigate back to questions previously skipped, you can use the Next and/or Back buttons located at the bottom of your questionnaire. You can also click on the Show Progress tab and click directly onto the domain (e.g., Privacy, Compliance) of the ...
Can I let other people in my company use my account to help answer questions?
There may be portions of the questionnaire that require input from other people in your company in order for you to complete your questionnaire. However, to ensure your privacy, it is not recommended that you share your log in information with ...
Why are my questionnaire answers gone when I press the back button on my browser?
Your browser’s settings regarding browsing history, cookies, and/or cache may be preventing you from using Readiness optimally. If your questionnaire answers do not appear to be saving, you may have disabled your browser’s cache function or ...
Which browser should I use for Readiness?
Readiness can be accessed using most web browsers such as Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. It is recommended that users are using the latest version of their browser to ensure that all functions and features of Readiness work.
Do I need to have cookies enabled to use Readiness?
Cookies do need to be enabled in order to use Readiness. Cookies allow Readiness to remember information about your preferences, preferred language, and progress within the Questionnaire and Remediation Task List. These features may not work as ...
I forgot my password.
To retrieve your password, you will need the email address you entered during the registration or the updated email address you associated with your account using the My Account page within Readiness. From the Log In screen, click on the Forgot ...